Saturday, September 15, 2007

Apple Seeping In

It is hard for me to write this blog. Apple influence is seeping into my house. Last week, I got an iPod for myself. A deal I could not pass up (20GB 4G iPod for $99 - you have to watch I have already dumped 12GB of stuff on it and I really like it. But, that is not the most disturbing news. This morning I was outside doing my morning reading and when I came in I asked Nick what he was watching on his laptop. Much to my dismay he was watching Steve Job's press conference on the new iPod release. It gets worse. I just walked by and he is still watching it. I asked him how long it is and he said "1 hour and 20 minutes". He is watching the whole thing. Unbelieveable! Incidentally, he washed cars this summer to earn money to buy an 80GB Video iPod and a new Laptop - a windows laptop. I still have hope.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You'll come around eventually! Don't worry! (I just got my new 3G iPod nano - with mine and Brian's $100 iphone rebates which means I paid $24 for it.) Don't you just love Apple?

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