Tuesday, January 08, 2008

For all my Mac Friends


Anonymous said...

I don't get it. So, he's upset because Windows has caused him to be so wound up tight that he can't slow down and learn Mac the right way? :-) MAC RULES!!!! Windows drools! (I know, so 3rd grade!)

Melissa in Mel's World said...

That's so stinkin' AWESOME!!! I am STILL laughing...

Bonnie said...

Hi. I just stopped by from your wife's blog. I was just going to look around a bit and not leave a comment but when I saw this I just had to comment !! I just got my first mac and I love it but I must say ... this video made me laugh !!! It's hilarious !!

Bonnie said...

Ps ... you have got one AMAZING wife, you know that !?

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