Saturday, November 08, 2008

Nick's First (Real) Job

Well, today I drove Nick to Publix for his first day on the job. He has been to training a couple of times but today was the Grand Opening of his store so it was his first official day. As we pulled out of the driveway I realized that this is about the time that I got my first job as a gopher on a contruction site.

No, I did not have to impersonate an animal. I was the guy that had to go for everything.
"Matt, get me some nails"
"Matt, get me some more 2x4's"
"Matt, clean up this mess"
"Matt, get me the saw/hammer/other tool I need"
It actually paid well for a 14 year old, so I had more money than all my friends. I have worked ever since that day but ironically don't have more money than all my friends anymore.

Today, Nick starts his work life. I expect that he will be very successful.


Unknown said...

My first job was at a rental office. I stapled a staple into my thumb trying to figure out how to reload the stapler...(sigh).

Pastor Robey said...

My first job was a maintenance man. Matt, with you working construction and me working maintenance, you'd think we'd be pretty handy...

Robey said...

My first job was as a maintenance man. Matt, you'd think with you working construction and me working maintenance, we'd be handy...

Matt Mashburn said...

Unfortunately handy is not one of the things I am.

Melissa in Mel's World said...

Oh, look at my baby!!! He is SO cute, isn't he?

xoxo, Melissa aka Mom aka Wife

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